They Are Financially Educated
This is the type of education that teaches us what we should be doing with our money to be successful. In today’s world, financial education is crucial, especially with the world economy in recession or depression. However, our school systems don’t teach us about financial education and so most people have never been taught what they need to know in order to take control of their financial lives.
Wealthy people are incredibly creative when it comes to thinking about business and finding different ways of making money. Mega-successful people set themselves apart because they nurture a financial growth mindset, which changes how you view money and helps you focus on seeing profitable opportunities.

They Think bigger Than Other People
‘Thinking big’ means being able to dream and visualize what you can achieve on an audacious scale: with no limits on your thinking. It is about being open-minded, positive, creative and seeing opportunity in the big picture.
If we are stretching for something rather than coasting towards something, we are naturally going to achieve more, and get further, in less time. The bigger the goal, the more trivial is anything that might slow us down, and we can more swiftly provide solutions. The human mind has the capacity to automatically prioritize what is important if the goal is large enough and well defined.

They Always Spend The Interest, Not The Principal
Think of your investment principal in this way: it’s an orchard or garden that’s going to grow money trees.
Spend interest and never the principal – “That way,”you’ll always have money. And if you always have money, you’ll always have freedom.”

They Have Money Ready For Opportunities
You should have good chunk of money ready for opportunities that may come, When you have excess funds that you can Invest right away then banking on those opportunities becomes easy.

They surround themselves with other rich people and help each other
Surrounding yourself with rich people has lots of perks and benefits.

People who can help you create rich relationships have one or more of the following traits –
- Good Habits
- Positive Outlook
- Trustworthiness
- Financial Stability
- Good Work Ethic
- Passion and Enthusiasm
- Great willpower and Discipline

They Understand The Rules Of The Game
When you are in a game, you should know the rules and see how you can use it to your maximum advantage. The biggest opportunities lies in how you can cop it and make the best use of.
Rules raise a problem when we start thinking that our rules are the only rules. They become very challenging when the other person plays by a different set of rules.
The Rich understand this better and know that the rules can differ and they can tweak their own business from time to time according to the rules.

They Are Not Emotionally Attached To Money
Emotional attachment with money is not the right way to go. All the decisions they make are rational and from a neutral standpoint. As soon as you can detach emotions you can better analyze things and put wise ideas in place.

They’re building the future you’re gonna live in.
They think futuristic and all the innovations and ideas they bring in is based on what they think what might happen in future. Like, Facebook and Amazon went and thought way ahead of time and got things under their control in future. Thy had an idea where the future trend might drift. You should too take chance and bet on your belief system.

Live Life An Extra Mile
Also, here’s a short video if you wanna get the bonus pointers –
Leave it down in the #Comments below as to what you think keeps the rich richer? And is it a good thing or bad?
Share your views with the AI Universe.
Very excellent topics you have chosen
Thankyou so much chhaya. Also, looking forward to watch your scrumptious posts!
“They Are Not Emotionally Attached To Money.” It might surprise some people to know that the poor can be just as emotionally attached to money as the rich.
Some may complain that the rich get richer (usually those who AREN’T rich) but you make such good points here. If everything were “equal” – if you gave a million dollars each to two different people, it’s possible that you could come back in a year and one will have made a million more while the other will have spent it all.
Truly said. This reminds me of that quote. “IF you divide the whole wealth of the world equally, and look back after a while, it would be back in the same hands as it were”. It is so much about using the money properly, which the wealthy do correctly. Thanks for stopping by. looking forward to check out your posts too.