Here are few quotes and paragraphs on where i relate Autumn to Financial Freedom-

Essential for the autumn to arrive is the time between summer and winter.
Financial freedom generally means having enough savings, investments, and cash on hand to afford the lifestyle we want for ourselves and our families—and a growing nest egg that will allow us to retire or pursue the career we want without being driven by earning a certain amount each year.
Few Pointers to achieve Financial Freedom –
- Get Serious – Get started, it is the time and phase you’ve to get serious. You’ve to sit down alone (whoever you want with) and make a fresh budget based on your income and not your expenses.
- Start saving a chunk – The first think you should do with your current Income levels is to save in an emergency fund for 6 months (Above that is fine, but ideally you should start ticking off the debts you have rather than accumulating more in the emergency fund i.e. reduce interest costs).
- Cut using Credit Cards – As much as possible you should use cash & debit card. The moment you start using credit card, you start loosing track of how much is spent. The expense shoots up (May be unnecessarily). Be strong and start churning things to level up.
- Contribute to your Short-Medium term goals (Yes, retirement fund comes much later) – You should plan your money according to your need in the next 5-10 years, like buying a house, getting the skills required, travel goals, securing your family, etc. People brag too much about retirement funds. Sure, that’s important, but hey you are young. And there’s lot of time for you to secure for retirement. You’ve less time for the short term goals actually, so focus on that and hit it.
Transitioning from a phase that seemed terrible to the one that shows a ray of hope is beautiful, relish it”

Financial Freedom Factors :
You should be determined enough to get things work in your favour.
The work should be smartly executed in order to meet the plan that you’ve laid out.
Unforeseen Expenses arises in every business and in everyone’s life, it is important to estimate that in advance.
Financial Freedom Check
Depending on the Plan laid out, you should start noticing change first 1-2 years of execution.
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